Saturday, November 26, 2011

Where Have I Been?

I'm sure you think this is what I've been doing instead of posting my work but not true!
Yesterday, I was one of 110 clowns in the Seattle Macy's Parade. Another fun year and no, I haven't given up my painting.
My art was feeling a little stale is the only way I can describe it so I started to experiment with different brush strokes, more paint, and a slight difference in my palette. Much better now, at least I hope so. I shall start posting again and get back on track. Did anyone out there miss me? Anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Yes I missed you!
    Glad you are back, my computer has been serendipitously wacky while you were out parading around in silly wigs. We are both back. Want to see your new palette in action.
    See you next week!
