Tuesday, March 7, 2017

So much better

Sorry, meant to post this earlier but sorta forgot. Here is the apple sitting on, the table vs. floating above it. One ok maybe two or three brushstrokes helped. This should have also been cropped better. Next time, I promise to do it all correctly in one shot.

What have I learned from this post? Simplicity is the key, maybe to everything, not just art.


  1. Bonjour,

    J'aime beaucoup la lumière qui vient parcimonieusement mettre en valeur cette belle et généreuse pomme. Très joli travail.

    Gros bisous ��

  2. It was a good call on the levitating pear. Like the changes very much.

  3. Thanks Julie, I'm beginning to find andmake corrections, always learning.
