Saturday, October 28, 2017

Holy Barracuda!

Can it really be I've not posted since July? Sincere apologies to those who have checked this blog to find...nothing new. How rude!
I have painted, taken a couple of workshops. sketched and played with Gouache paint. A little heavier than watercolor but not as messy as oil clean-up. Actually, depending on how it's used you can have the effect of oil or watercolor. Neat eh?

Time now to line up a few paintings for posting, lord knows I have some you haven't seen. Thanks for coming back, I do appreciate you taking time to view my work.


  1. Be still my heart...a Blanche sighting!

    What a beautiful color harmony you have here, Blanche. Great job with the gouache. Not got muddy at all and I love the tiny bits of deep pink. Is that magenta?

  2. Good morning Julie, you have a good eye for color, (course I knew that) it is magenta.
