Friday, December 27, 2013

Fall City

A few years ago I took a workshop in Fall City. The area is south of Seattle and still has beautiful farmlands. I painted this little guy while sitting in the studio, looking out of the window. It was the only good view I had of these two flower pots. I am updating a few paintings just to refresh them and add a little of the brushwork I didn't possess back then. This is a fun project right now. Think I should have a series of "Now An Then", sounds like a soap opera right?


  1. I think it is great to paint on older paintings in fact in my workshops it is a requirement. It gives us confidence to see if we can improve one. Great learning tool.

  2. Thank you Julie, sometimes you don't know if it's the right thing to do but I believe any attempt to learn and improve you art is a valid point. So glad to know you require it in workshops. Makes me feel better.
