Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Where have I been?
So sorry my friends, I took time out to have surgery for a ruptured abdominal viscous (colon) with peritontis. 4days in Intensive Care, 4 in Critical Care and 4 days just returning to the human race. At home I had a nurse, Physical therapist and a Occupational therapist. Our house was like Grand Central Station for a while. I no longer need a walker or shower chair or other aids to get back to my life. I have another surgery coming up in a few months to reverse a colonostomy bag that was needed. When you have lemons in your life, make a painting!
What have you been doing? Hopefully nothing so drastic. Leave a note, let me know how you are.
Friday, May 18, 2018
Yellow Roses for a cloudy day 7x5 Oil
I've heard it said many times..."I hate the gray days in Seattle." My job is to point out how beautiful the colors glow with the grayness around them. Trying different backgrounds in my painting help to emphasis this. I did this little painting of yellow flowers without a background, (yeah, I should have made a photo of it). They were really washed out and no character. After adding the dark they really popped. So, next gray day in your area, look at the colors of trees and other objects in the world, unless you happen to be driving. My words of the day.
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Trees for Anna Maria
We lost a dear friend a few weeks ago way before her time. She loved music, art and all things kind and wonderful. I did this little 5x7 in memory of her.
Take time and smell the roses and see this beautiful world. That's my thought for today. So, what are you thinking about? Yep, I want to know.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
My husband is a member of the Washington Koi and Water Garden Society. They had a meeting and auction at Sky Nursery which is a beautiful place to visit. While all the visitors and workers were busy, I sat with coffee, sketched and later painted this small 5x7 oil of flowers. It was a good day for both of us.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Yellow Roses ll
This arrangement is similar to another post, one was used to experiment with the palette knife and this one was mainly brush. I find it interesting to make variations in the same subject and try to expand on it. It's like driving home from work, usually you take the same road but on occasion, you make a detour and see something a little different. Was that explanation to far out there? Ok, sorry.
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
More Roses
For some reason, I've gotten on the yellow rose kick. There are so many variations of this color to explore and paint that it has become a fascination for me. This happens when you really enjoy playing with color. I have done another painting of the same set up using a palette knife for most of it. I'll show you that one in a few days. Thanks for stopping by and yes, I'd love to see your comments.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Waiting for tea
Coffee, tea, flowers...they are all comfort items These happened to be sitting together while I was making another still life set up and thought, hummm why not. So, here you have it.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Reflections 6x8 Oil
It's Sunday and already I have a problem. Four paintings and only posted for the 30 paintings in 30 days. Hummm glad I caught this early, now to figure how to get the one I missed or, add March 3 as my finish date. That sounds much better eh? What do you think?
Saturday, February 3, 2018
The Good Life
Confession...there is another painting under this one, same subject but missing a little sparkle. Enter the palette knife, lots more paint and Voila! new attitude. Also reworked the background. Ok, I'll just try and stick to new work but found this fun to redo. Have any secrets you want to share? I'm listening.
Friday, February 2, 2018
Goodbye January, Leg Brace and Cruches

January didn't quite start the way I had planned but a few more Physical Therapy sessions and I will be good as new or let's just say, better.
I sprained my meniscus, getting out of a chair. Guess I sat too long in a weird position with my knee bent and stood up at a bad angle. Sixteen years of martial arts and other sports activities and never anything like this. Go figure, right? Thought I could just prop this leg up and paint away. In reality, I sorta stared into space and took naps. Back to painting and a normal schedule feels really good. So, how did you start your year? Of course I want to know, drop a line or two please.
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